Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Shakespeares portrayal of Hotspur in Act 3 Scene 1 Essay Example for Free

Shakespeares portrayal of Hotspur in Act 3 Scene 1 Essay With close reference used to dramatic methods, discuss Shakespeare’s portrayal of Hotspur in Act 3 Scene 1. Hotspur has several ongoing characteristics in the play, with the main one that is constantly being brought forward is his egotism that shows in his interaction with other characters. In line 16, after listening to Glendower’s boast, Hotspur feels that his ego has been threatened. This character development tells us that Hotspur doesn’t like to be outshone by others. â€Å"Why, so can I, or so can any man, but will they come when you do call for them?† Hotspur’s taunting tone is shown here as he claims anyone can do what Glendower says he can do, but questions if it will actually work, belittling him. â€Å"Methinks my moiety, north from Burton here, in quantity equals not one of yours.† Hotspur believes he deserves more, and he would re-route the channel to get his way; â€Å"And here the smug and silver Trent shall run in a new channel, fair and evenly. It shall not wind with such a deep indent, to rob me of so rich a bottom here.† Hotspur wants more of what he has already got and isn’t grateful for his shares, with this showing his self-centered and egocentric personality. Hotspur constantly speaks in a derisive tone to others and often rudely interrupts them in pieces of dialogue. In this particular scene, Hotspur is being portrayed by Shakespeare as a disrespectful character. He bluntly denies Glendower’s boast about his magic powers and mocks him when he mentions the meteor shower that occurred on the night of his birth, â€Å"Why, so it would have done at the same season if your mother’s cat had but kittened, though yourself had never been born.†, which lets his antagonistic ego to foster friction between his allies. His obvious opinions is not necessarily a bad trait however, as this shows us that he wears his heart on his sleeve, and is very honest with others; whether it be negative or positive. â€Å"Let me not understand you, then; speak it in Welsh.† This recurring characteristic adds character development to Hotspur. When it comes to plot development, Hotspur forgetting the map at the start of the scene shows that he is impractical and has a lack of foresight. Also, his lack of sophistication and refinement is shown when he insults literature, meaning Shakespeare portrays Hotspur as very uncultured. His fiery and argumentative side is exhibited with his use of imagery in the scene, however his political naivety in also revealed as he allows personal feelings to intrude on his personal relationships, and presents his lack of diplomatic maturity. Hotspur’s arrogance is exposed when he begins arguing for the sake of arguing after interaction with Glendower in a battle of wills makes Hotspur boast after Glendower gives in, and once again feeds into his egotistical side. Another thing established in this scene is Hotspur’s reputation, as after more interaction with Glendower, he reveals what others say about him and that he has a renowned, infamous and fearsome reputation. Hotspur is known to be a brave, ruthless warrior in battle. His short temper and reckless attitude has not only gained himself a nickname, but also a rash status. Hotspur’s best trait, his boldness and quick temper, is also his worst flaw, as he may be valiant in battle but cannot manipulate or work with allies, and is very tactless. His quick temper causes him to alienate Glendower, one of his family’s most important allies, which is not a smart move. Hotspur is not only rude to his allies, but also his Lady. He jokes to her â€Å"Come, Kate, thou art perfect in lying down. Come, quick, quick, that I may lay my head in thy lap.† He later says â€Å"Come, Kate, I’ll have your song too.† To which she replies â€Å"Not mine, in good sooth.† Instead of letting it go, Hotspur becomes enraged at Lady Percy; â€Å"Not yours, in good sooth! Heart, you swear like a comfit-maker’s wife!† He tries one last time to convince her â€Å"Come, sing.† But she still won’t, to which he leaves in anger; â€Å"I’ll away within these two hours, and so come in when ye will.† and leaves her in tears. Hotspur disregards other’s feelings and wishes, even his Lady’s. This brings up Hotspur’s cruel ways and his childlike actions when he does not get his way, along with his selfishness, and his irresponsibility towards his personal relationships. In this scene, Shakespeare continues to portray Hotspur with a mocking attitude, a hot tempered mind, his open mind and the fact that he is a ruthless fighter, and starts to bring up his self centered, impatient and immature acts, that is mainly brought to our attention through his interaction with other characters and his actions during heated and normal moments, from battle, to conversations in the Boar’s Head Tavern.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Cultural Aspects of Korean Boshintang :: Papers

Does Korean plan to serve Boshintang soup for the visitors to Seoul during the World Cup tournament? This is one question from an American to Korean English newspaper last month, condemning Koreans for eating dog as cruel abuse to animal. Some of the Western media treat Koreans as savages for eating dog meat and put it on the air as a most intriguing piece of news. As well, many international people who know something of Korea or visit to Korea always ask about this dog-eating. And then, how should we react to this issue? Should we scold them back for lacking of understanding others? Or should we really feel embarrassed about this old part of our culture and throw away like old shoes? Boshintang is apparently our traditional food habit, which can be irrational and not easy to understand for foreigners. But whenever Koreans were heard criticism or asked about it, most of them could not defend themselves or answer the question logically. We have to know that it is our responsibility to inform them the right view of thinking. I am here now to give some interesting informations about ou r eating habit to look at it in a new light. What we eat or not is patterned by culture. Some eating habits may seem disgusting to others who don't share the same culture. A sense of cultural superiority is wrong because every culture is a specialized adaptation of environment. Korea is very cold during the winter, so it was difficult to raise cattle a long time ago. Besides, bullocks were the essential farming animals that pull plows and carts. As a result, generally eating beef in Korea was very uncommon to people. So Korean started to raise dogs which grew well even in the cold weather and without special food or care to obtain insufficient nutrition. Many westerners think that dogs have been bred for centuries to be man's best friends or even family, and not to be livestock. But Korean concept of dog is very different. There are distinct differences between human and animal in Korea. Many Koreans even don't like living with any animal under the same roof of the house and get them their own home outside. As well, the family relationship has been very strong in Korea, so they don't treat dogs as pets in the western way. That's why Koreans do not have much affection for dogs, which is usually given to eat leftovers and manure traditionally.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Global Economic Crisis: Implications and Challenges to the Philippines Essay

This is a forum where we can wonder, what is really happening in our country? Mr. W.D. Hilton our keynote speaker discussed the possible effects of the Global Economic Crisis in the Philippines. In this paper, I will write some of the highlights when we talked about Global Economic Crisis. The primary target of the said crisis is the people. There are so many people suffering in crisis and covered by clouds of hopelessness. Is there any hope, waiting for us to a brighter prospect of life? There are so many problems that we are experiencing right now. For our country Philippines, the Global Economic Crisis really put our country at stake. There is a big probability that there are many fellow Filipinos will be put to the test; on how high are their faith and how strong they are in facing the Economic crisis as of now. As a citizen concern, there are so many questions that are bothering to me at this time such as, what is Global crisis exactly means? When will economic crisis end? How to cope with the global financial crisis? And, what would be the possible effects of Economic crisis in the Philippines? What is really a Global Economic Crisis means? Based on my own understanding, Global Economic Crisis is the situation where more than one country is affected by scarcity of resources to be needed enable to provide for all citizens globally. When you say crisis, as what the dictionary defined it as, a condition of instability or danger in social, economic, political or international affairs leading to decisive change. This definition implies that our country is obviously affected by the so called Global Economic Crisis. As what the symposium explained and emphasized during the discussion, it is visible to the eye that we are one of the most affected by the crisis because as a third world country, this is not impossible to happen. The hardest question that crossed my mind was, when will economic crisis end? This would be a difficult question that the answer is still unclear for us, Filipinos. Another question is, is the Philippine Economy ready to battle the Global Financial Hardship? In our status right now, we are still struggling for some very broad reasons such as, corruptions, poor leaderships and rich in stealing wealth from others. If we still continue this type of system in our country, there’s no hope for any survival in crisis. Our superior in the government doesn’t have any heart for the poor and the rich people are getting richer. As a democratic country, how can we fight for what is right when all that we have is the left over of the government? Global economic Crisis touches the people’s lives negatively in some other ways. Here is some example of situations that is occurring right now. We can’t stop the time from approaching to us and will surprise us that one day; there would be a downsizing in the organization. One of the main reasons of downsizing of employees is, the company cannot afford to pay their salaries anymore due to financial crisis. It is hard for the organization to motivate their employees well because of lack benefits and expenses for their compensations would be budgeted only. For those who graduated recently, it would be difficult for them to get hired because there are no available jobs for them or the organizations are not yet ready for hiring new employees. It implies that there is no assurance even if you are holding a degree. Unfortunately, for the undergraduates are more difficult for them to find a job because of no vacancies for them available. For the prices of products or goods in the store, the consumer will buy it by bundles or dozens because they are aware or expecting that there is a price hiking because of high demand of goods. This is also the time that only few consumers because only few people can afford for the expensive price. That’s why they are taking the opportunity to buy the goods as many as possible. For our fellow Filipinos in other countries such as the OFW (Overseas Filipino Workers) they are also affected by Economic Crisis in such way. Have you heard the news that there was a time that the OFW’s were forced to send back to their respective countries due to poverty. Of course, the foreign country will prioritize first their fellow countrymen before the other citizens while experiencing the crisis in their country. Lastly, for those who are my fellow students also got affected. Example of this, they are millions of students taking up â€Å"Nursing† because it is in demand this time. Without noticing it, that there so much rivals or competitors with that job, to the extent that they are only few of them got a vacant seat due to overflowing of graduates with that course. Because of the crisis, they are hoping to go abroad, but unfortunately, they are only selected and rare people has the capability or could meet the requirements in going abroad. So, where are they going? It takes time to wait for other demand from other countries. With these situations, it would really pull us down. We are almost poor in everything even though we are rich in natural resources. We just didn’t know how to use our natural resources wisely. Even in making wise decisions are very hard for us. Poor in leadership, has a big impact in our country that’s why we are suffering and experiencing these unwanted state in life. We owe USA with a big amount. We are still hoping to pay for it but, if the occurring of corruptions in our country; it would be difficult for us to cope up because if greediness ruling inside of us, with no hesitations, our country is slowly dying. To sum up everything, Global Economic Crisis is a big threat because we allow vulnerabilities and the threats to come. What would be the mitigating measure that we are going to use to cope up with the big crisis? I think truth shall always prevail. Our politics has a big part in our crisis right now. We should stress what should be stress out. We have to overcome the crisis this time because we are all accountable for whatever may happen.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Consequences Of Liquidity Crisis On The Interbank Market Finance Essay - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 6 Words: 1712 Downloads: 5 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Finance Essay Type Analytical essay Did you like this example? Interbank markets are the mean for the liquidity management and the transmission of monetary policy. Actually they work as the markets that banks use, to trade among themselves in order to remain liquid and meet their liabilities. Interbank markets function with two ways within the financial system. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Consequences Of Liquidity Crisis On The Interbank Market Finance Essay" essay for you Create order Firstly they can be used from the central banks as their median to intervene and enforce their policies so to configure the desired interest rates. Secondly, a well organized interbank market enable the financial system to effectively circulate liquidity by transferring funds from financial institutions that face surplus to those that are in need of liquidity (Furfine, 2001).Therefore, policy makers are in deep concern about any malfunction in the interbank markets, even more in the case of a liquidity crisis within the interbank markets. Their worries refer in particular in the patterns followed from the interbank interest rate, as the performance of the later represent the marginal cost of funding among banks. In the case that interbank interest rates rise, banks will face a higher funding risk and their only response will be higher liquidity hoarding. Banks will prefer to hold more reserves, being reluctant to any potentially risky investment through interbank lending to other ins titutions that will possibly be affected by an ongoing financial instability. This fact will coincide to the failure of the interbank market to function successfully by allocating funds within the financial system and will conclude to an interbank market liquidity crisis. In addition to these effects an increase in counterparty risk and asymmetric information will cause an adverse selection problem in the interbank market, resulting in even more higher level of liquidity hoarding and in a severe impairment of the market possibly concluded in its total break-down (Heider et. al. 2009). This view comes in line with Flannery (1996), who observed that even if policy makers are well informed interbank markets can fail. The reason is that, during a crisis it is neither clear to the market participants, nor to the central bank how to distinguish an insolvent from an illiquid bank. As a result its creditworthiness is doubtful. Implicit in this the lending bank itself is unsecure about the creditworthiness of its counterparties (counterparty risk) so is unable to diversify its interbank lending portfolio across other assumed illiquid banks resulting in refraining from interbank lending and thus provoking liquidity crisis. Interbank activities among financial institutions will be limited and financial intermediation will collapse. This inability of banks to obtain the funds needed to maintain their business, failing to remain liquid and meet theirs depositors demands for withdraws and borrowing will generate a credit crunch with implications for the general economic stability. Interbank credit lines allow institutions to cope with liquidity problems while reduce the cost of maintaining reserves. At the same time though, they expose the financial system to the risk of coordination failure even if all the banks that participate are solvent. The systemic risk that arises throughout the interbank transactions is capable of generating a chain reaction to the whole economic system triggered by the default of only one bank. Meanwhile, Freixas et al (2000) went further to the reasons that cause liquidity crisis, pointed out that liquidity needs that set in function the interbank markets are generated from the uncertainty the consumers have, in where they want to consume. So in case that the depositors of one location wish to consume in another location and think that there will not be enough resources in that destination then their best response will be to withdraw deposits at their home location. This fact will trigger the early liquidation of the investment in the home location witch with backward induction will make it optimal for the depositors to other location, imitating the behavior of the formers. The consequences of this series of actions will be once more, the malfunction of the interbank market in a way that a small liquidity shock in one location may spread to the rest of the economy. It can be reasonably argued given the recent literature that interbank markets played a major role in the last liquidity crisis. The financial markets turmoil in the summer of 2007 caused by a severe subprime crisis in the U.S housing market set the alarm for the experts to re-appraise the phenomenon of financial crisis, as the liquidity problems that were provoked into the economic system were profound have never been met in the past. The events that led to the credit crunch of 2007 might have started from the housing markets but the combination of trade frictions, expected liquidity shortage and increase in the credit risk, was that triggered the most prolonged depression of all times. A series of events increased the funding risk of banks which with their turn responded with higher liquidity hoarding that resulted in even higher interest rates. The majority of interbank activities are conducting through overnight unsecured lending where there is no need for collateral and since this is the safest option for a lender to solve its liquidity problems. Thus, overnight rates are very sensitive to illiquid situations and any problem in the interbank market is being reflected firstly in them and afterwards to the rest of the markets. In the case of the crisis of 2007 such effects were witnessed with severe increases on overnight bank rated lending activities for both secured and unsecured markets (Acharya et al 2009) The event of the crisis of 2007 in asset backed securities[1]within the housing markets, affected the money markets and the interbank market as well. Market participants pursued to higher yields and turned into more risky and high leveraged investments as a consequence of a prolonged peaceful period characterized by financial stability with consistent and low interest rates since 2003. These reactions increased the market liquidity and encouraged investors to take positions in even more risky assets as the increasing liquidity reduced the interest rates volatility. Meanwhile, commercial banks have already adopted the model of the originate and distribute providing the money market with a whole new range of assets. The idea of the model originate and distribute, was to securitize and sell the loans on the financial markets allowing in this way the banks that initially granted the loans to diversify part of the risk by transferring it to the counterparties and gain back liquidity for further lending. Normally banks create separate entities the so called structured investment vehicles (SIV) which are dependent on the banks that originate them but do not appear on their balance sheet. These tools are responsible for the diversification of the risk as it spread among other parties contributing in this way to the financial stability. Nevertheless these functions require an effectively and correct asset pricing system along with accurate risk assessment and proper management. Always under the assumption, that the procedure of securitization does not change the incentives for ex ante screening and ex post monitoring. Unfortunately in the case of the crisis of 2007 none of the above mentioned assumptions obtained Uncertainty concerning the condition of the structural investment vehicles, which relied on the assets-based paper markets as the source of finance, forced the banks to consider possible support of their subsidiaries. Since the exact magnitude of the losses was initially unknown, the banks assumed the worst and acted as if they were facing an impending out of low of liquidity. Such behaviour constitutes a deviation from the rational expectations hypothesis since it is impossible for all the banks to become short of liquidity when aggregate liquidity does not change. (Kempa 2009) In that case of the suspended withdrawals from some of its hedge funds invested in sub-prime mortgagebacked securities due to the inability to mark these assets to market. The result was a freeze in the market for asset-backed commercial paper (ABCP), which caused rollover problems for structured investment vehicles (SIVs) and conduits set up by banks as off balance sheet vehicles for liquidity and regulatory arbitrage purposes. As the ABCP liquidity dried up, banks took assets from SIVs and conduits back on their balance sheets. The resulting uncertainty about the extent of such assets that banks would have to take back on balance sheets, the magnitude of losses banks faced, and whether they had enough capital to bear these losses affected not just capital markets but also the inter-bank market for borrowing and lending activities. The average interbank market interest rate which is the tool of operational policy, increased especially for the longer maturities along with the increase in rates volatility. There was when liquidity hoarding came into the spotlight when banks in their attempt to satisfy their reserves requirements started to hold cash beyond the necessary level, a fact that blocked the efficient allocation of liquidity among banks. This precautionary hoarding by some settlement banks raised lending rates for all settlement banks, following a chain result triggered of contagion style systemic risk. Thus, volatility in overnight interbank rates affected immediately rates in commercial banks having effects to the rest of the financial system. As pointed in Acharya et al (2009) the subprime crisis of 2007 was partly triggered from the liquidity crisis of the interbank market which in its turn was a result of precautionary hoarding of liquidity from the financial institutions due to their insecurity about their ability to lend or to be lent in the future. According to sources from the Bank of International Investments (BIS) only in the United Kingdom liquidity hoarding increased 30% in the period right after the 9th of August of 2007. Brunneti et al (2009) suggested that the sub-prime crisis has created serious liquidity issues for the interbank market. Banks, unsure about the depth of the problems on other banks balance sheets, have simply not been willing to lend to each other without substantial accommodations for counterparty risks. To counteract the resulting lack of liquidity in the interbank market, central banks have been proactive in injecting liquidity into the system. Regarding the channel through which the liquidity crisis affected the interbank markets, the European Central Bank (E.C.B 2007) official statement is that: The squeeze in the interbank money market reflected the fact that participants in the market became fearful about counter party credit risks and they also hoarded liquidity in case of unexpected need.